Thursday, March 22, 2007

Acid reflux and GERD: Are they the same thing?

Acid reflux is one cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a disease in which stomach acid or, occasionally, bile flows back (refluxes) into your food pipe (esophagus).
Because GERD may also be caused by bile reflux, the term "acid reflux disease" is more specific in describing the cause. But it doesn't describe the body part affected by the acid reflux.
Most doctors prefer "GERD" because it's a more comprehensive term. Drug companies that market and sell acid-suppressing medications, however, often prefer to use "acid reflux disease."


Anonymous said...

There's great information and support for GERD sufferers at>

Acid Reflux Diet said...

Good information,
Acid reflux is serious and few websites protray it good like this. Acid Reflux Disease